WBU Bluebird HouseNesting Invitation

Spring officially arrives this month. Migration, courting, nesting and gardens coming back to life all provide opportunities to view and feed wild birds.

Listen for the ever increasing dawn chorus as the birds are singing out. Bird song is a method of attracting a mate and defending a territory and during springtime. Songbirds are greeting the new day with a rising crescendo.

It is also the call for us to prepare our back yards for the spring nesting season by cleaning nest boxesfeeders and bird baths as well as offering ideal homes and foods for nesting birds.

WBU nest boxes have been specially designed and constructed based on species-specific requirements. Our nest boxes have good ventilation, drainage, insulation, protection from the elements and predators, easy cleaning and durability.

Foods that nesting birds seek include protein and calcium and are found in a number of WBU offerings such as any of the WBU Plus Blends, any of the Jim’s Birdacious foods, select WBU suet doughs as well as mealworms.

It’s the perfect time to invite birds to nest in your yard by installing nest boxes and offering nesting foods to help birds thrive during nesting season. Enjoy attracting them to our yards for a more intimate look while they raise families.